Elderberry Oxymel


Elderberry Oxymel is deliciously sweet with a slight tang of the apple cider vinegar. Our Oxymel is a combination of elderberry, ginger and cinnamon infused into raw apple cider vinegar with raw unheated local honey.  Both the apple cider vinegar and local raw honey are healthy for you but when combined with the elderberry they pull out all of the great properties of elderberry. This is a tasty and easy way to get your daily dose of elderberry (**my favorite way is to add a TBSP into sparkling water**). See our recipes/blog page for fun ways to use this delicious product.

4 oz bottle.


- Farm Fresh Organic Elderberry
- Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
- Local Okanagan Honey
- Organic Ginger
- Organic Cinnamon chunks

Daily Recommended Dose

As a supplement, simply take 1 dose per day. 

-adults 1 tablespoon per day
-children (at least 12 months old) 1 teaspoon a day
At the onset of symptoms, repeat the dosage every 2 hours as needed until the symptoms subside. Then go back to your daily dose.

Why should you choose elderberry as your daily dose?

Elderberry will help build your body up in cold and flu season so you can be healthy year round this is a daily staple! This product is shelf stable but will not stay as sweet unless it is refrigerated. Best used within 1 year.

Why should you choose elderberry as your daily dose?

Studies show that Elderberries are...
- full of antioxidants
- rich in nutrients including key vitamins and minerals such at Vitamin A, B6, C, potassium, iron, fiber, folate
- may reduce cold and flu symptoms
- may reduce inflammation
- may reduce stress
- supports heart health
- an excellent digestive support
- may relieve nasal congestion
- may reduce symptoms of allergies
- gives skin a beautiful glow